Flanc gauche d'une femme afin d'illustrer la chirurgie esthétique du corps pratiqué chez Concept Clinic à Genève par le Dr Schlaudraff
Reconstructive surgery

Rectus diastasis repair

The two large rectus abdominal muscles form what is called the “six pack”. They normally meet along the midline of the body. These muscles constitute a kind of girdle which retains the abdominal organs and ensures muscular balance between the stomach and the back. The separation of these muscles from the abdomen, known as rectus diastasis, frequently follows weight gain or a pregnancy. The stretched and spread muscles let the organs appear in front, which leads to an unsightly rounded protuberant abdomen, making strenuous effort difficult. The diastasis treatment offered by Concept Clinic is a surgical procedure which allows the sufferers of this separation of abdominal muscles to regain a harmonious silhouette and a sculpted body.

Flanc gauche d'une femme afin d'illustrer la chirurgie esthétique du corps pratiqué chez Concept Clinic à Genève par le Dr Schlaudraff
  • Consultation and
    surgical procedure

  • Recovery and

During your consultation, Dr Schlaudraff will examine your abdomen and make an assessment of the quality of your skin, the fatty tissue, and the strength and position of the abdominal muscles. He will evaluate the size of the rectus diastasis and will also check if any hernias may be treated during the operation. You will be advised about the suitable treatment for your rectus diastasis.

The rectus diastasis treatment usually involves combining an abdominoplasty with VASER HiDef™ liposuction. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia in Concept Clinic’s state-of-the-art operating centre, which meets with the highest standards of comfort, safety and hygiene. After stabilising the skin and fatty tissue up to the ribs or sternum, Dr Schlaudraff will check the position and shape of the rectus abdominal muscles and the oblique abdominal muscles. He will then perform a suture to stabilise the abdominal muscles so that they regain their initial position. At the same time, the tissues under the skin will be stretched. The procedure takes 2 to 4 hours, depending on the extent of the reconstruction to be carried out.

After a rectus diastasis and abdominoplasty, we usually advise our patients to remain at home for 3 to 4 days for optimal recovery. You can then resume light activities after a week. However, it is not advisable to carry out more intense activities within four weeks after the operation. The final result will be seen after 8 to 12 weeks, once the swelling dissipates. At this point, you will be able to resume more demanding physical activities. After the rectus diastasis treatment, you will have a solid muscular girdle again that efficiently retains the internal organs and gives the abdomen a flat and firm appearance.

Rectus diastasis for women

During pregnancy, the rectus diastasis is caused by the increasing pressure of the uterus in the abdominal area. The muscles are more and more stretched and then spread apart, to lose their position as well as their normal function, in the centre of the body. After giving birth, the woman then sees a rectus diastasis appear in the form of a line in the middle of the abdomen. This line becomes more prominent when the skin is stretched. The stomach takes a round, swollen shape with a marked bulge in the centre. Concept Clinic offers remodelling techniques for the cure of rectus diastasis that will allow the new mother to recover her pre-pregnancy abdomen and a refined silhouette.