With more than 15 years’ experience in VASER® liposuction, Dr Schlaudraff is the first plastic surgeon to offer liposuction operations VASER® Hi Def Lipo in Geneva and in Europe. This ultra-modern liposuction technology or lipoaspiration, makes it possible to resculpt the body and redefine its musculature. The remodelling of the body is carried out using the liposuction technique, by selective fragmentation: unwanted fatty tissue is gently liberated through the ultrasound energy and then aspirated. The deep and superficial fat is removed with great efficiency and delicateness. The muscles are then redefined and become more apparent. This cutting edge body remodelling technique, or body contouring, is one of the most advanced clinically proven techniques available today in aesthetic surgery. Dr Schlaudraff also teaches the use of this VASER® liposuction method to other surgeons in Europe.