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ventre plat comme ceux obtenus après une liposuccion vaser hd
Question of the month

Why choose HD VASER® lipo rather than traditional liposuction ?

You may already have considered liposuction to refine your figure or loose undesired fat. This type of aesthetic surgery can be frightening, as it may leave the body sore and bruised for some time. But did you know that there is a more efficient, more gentle and less traumatic way? Whether you call it HD liposuction, VASER®, VASER® Hi Def Lipo, high definition or ultrasound assisted lipo, I explain why you should choose it over traditional liposuction.

Faster recovery and less pain after liposuction

Conventional liposuction involves two stages: infiltration (with saline solution plus epinephrine) and extraction (of the fat). This is why it’s called liposuction: fat cells are literally sucked out through a needle.

The brutality of the traditional method

But without further treatment, fat extraction can be traumatic for the body. In the form of large solid pieces, the fat is “torn out” from its environment by the suction, causing collateral damage to the vessels and nerves surrounding it.

The consequences are often visible on your body and have an impact on post-surgery recovery time: you may be left with a large number of painful hematomas, which will often take several weeks to resolve.

Ultrasound to soften liposuction

While traditional liposuction goes directly from infiltration to suction, VASER lipo adds another step: fat fragmentation. Subjected to ultrasonic treatment, the fat tissue is transformed from large solid masses into tiny fragments of softened fat. Aspiration of the fat is more accurate, more delicate and preserves nearby vessels and nerves.

Leaving less bruising, pain, swelling and scarring, VASER liposuction enables you to resume a normal active life after just a few days, and to start your sports activities as early as one month after the operation.

Reduce fat, yes, but most importantly resculpt the body

Conventional liposuction is often aimed solely at reducing body fat, not allowing for a real aesthetic approach. In contrast, VASER® HD lipo is part of a more global approach to the silhouette. The aim is to reshape, sculpt and enhance the body according to individual anatomy and physical characteristics.

Defining muscle contours for a well-shaped body

Thanks to its effect on muscle contours, liposuction is particularly appealing to patients who are looking for a “defined” body, but for whom regular exercise is often not efficient enough. This is probably one of the reasons for the growing success of HD liposuction among men, who want the famous “six-pack” in the abdominal area, or to reveal their hard-worked pectorals and triceps in the gym.

Using fat to add volume elsewhere in the body

When looking to reshape the body, VASER HD liposuction also provides the ideal solution for lipofilling. The extracted, fragmented fat is perfectly suitable for precise grafting, ensuring excellent fat survival rates and balanced results.

A more effective, more “gentle” and more aesthetic liposuction

In addition to removing up to 80-90% of the local fat layer, VASER HD liposuction is gentle, with little risk of surface irregularities and improved skin retraction. That’s why it’s so popular with patients.

In our clinic, liposuction is available for both men and women, and can be applied to various parts of the body: stomach, abdomen, flanks, thighs, chest, back, calves, arms and chin.

High-definition liposuction was – and still is – a real game changer. I was the first to perform it in Europe in 2006, and have never considered to go back to the traditional method since. Today, I’m proud to be one of the plastic surgeons in the world who participated in the development of this technique, to be able to offer this revolutionary method to my patients, and to have regularly the opportunity to pass on my knowledge of it at conferences and training courses.