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Image of a middle-aged man touching his face to illustrate the article on the 3 cosmetic surgeries most requested by men.
Question of the month

What are the 3 most popular cosmetic surgeries for men ?

As we mentioned in a previous article, men are still fairly reluctant to seek the services of cosmetic surgery. That’s why they consult us first for the issues that concern them most or the issues that weigh them down every day. At Concept Clinic, we’ve found that three requests stand out for their popularity. Here they are.

1. “I want my original body back”.

Years of work and family life

At the top of the list of the most requested surgeries by our male patients is body contouring using ‘gentle’ liposuction. This procedure is generally of interest to active men who are in good shape but who no longer feel entuned with their bodies after years of sedentary lifestyle and due to a busy professional and family life. Absorbed by their obligations, they have less time to practice sport, control their diet and take care of themselves. The result is often weight gain, reduced muscle volume and less physical strength.

Liposuction to reshape the body

Faced with a body they no longer recognize, VASER HighDefinition liposuction is a viable strategy, as it effectively removes superficial fat and reshapes the contours of a muscular, athletic body. And all without having to endure an excessively restrictive post-operative period. The remarkable results of HD liposuction give these men a renewed motivation to resume healthy habits with the aim of maintaining or further improving their physical shape.

2. “I want a more masculine torso”

Gynecomastia, the ‘man-boobs’ complex

Another very popular surgical procedure for men is the correction of gynecomastia. This phenomenon, which can be hormonal, due to excess weight or a lack of testosterone (andropause) and is very common, affecting around 30 to 40% of men (source : HUG). It is also known as ‘man boobs’, because the increase in fat and glandular mass in the chest gives an appearance similar to a woman’s breasts. Apart from the physical discomfort, gynecomastia is also a source of a major psychological complex for men. They don’t dare to wear close-fitting clothes and are afraid to take off their T-shirt in the changing room, at the beach or during intimate situations. The wide patients’ age – from 18 to 65 – shows that it is a constant problem and it is sometimes after decades of suffering that the men choose to have surgery.

Daring to take off your T-shirt and to expose your torso

For many, correcting gynecomastia means removing the fatty or glandular tissue and sometimes excising some excess skin. At Concept Clinic, we prefer a more gentle method that delivers better results. If necessary, we excise the mammary gland. Most importantly, we use VASER ultrasound liposuction to efficiently reshape the contours of the pectoral and dorsal muscles. Most of the time, this method also means that excess skin does not have to be cut out and noticeable scars can be avoided. Visible results are obtained after a few days already and you can get back to work and normal life in record time.

3. “I don’t want this tired look anymore”.

Heavy upper eyelids

The third procedure most frequently requested by our male patients is upper eyelid correction, also known as blepharoplasty. Like for women, male patients who come to us for this procedure are bothered by their ‘heavy’ eyelids, which are a sign that they have aged. Sometimes, when the corner of the eye seems closed by some heavy skin and the eyebrow are drooping, this makes them worry about looking tired, old or grumpy.

Eyelid correction or brow lifting ?

But when men consult us, we need to distinguish whether their “problem” is really an excess of eyelid skin or rather the sagging of the eyebrows. Eyelid surgery involves removing excess skin or fat. In the case of sagging eyebrows however, the most effective procedure is a forehead or eyebrow lift. These patients often have a lot of wrinkles on their foreheads as a result of actively raising their eyebrows while reading or conversing.

Men and cosmetic surgery around the world

The trends seen with male patients at Concept Clinic is also reflected in the worldwide statistics. The three procedures mentioned above are also those that make up the top 3 of the most performed cosmetic surgery procedures on men, with 8% for liposuction, 6% for gynecomastia correction and 6% for blepharoplasty (source : ISAPS, 2022).